Fire Evacuation Policy
Fire Evacuation Policy
Under the Centre Stage Academy of Dance Health and Safety Policy, staff, parents/ guardians and visitors should familiarise themselves with our Fire Evacuation policy and our nearest Fire Exits. Teachers / hirers will direct class / activity members to the nearest fire exit and meeting point in the event of fire alarm activation.
The fire assembly point is on the "grass area outside the car park" and everyone will be made aware of the correct location to go to in the event of an emergency evacuation. Information regarding the fire evacuation procedure is posted on signage around the Centre Stage premises. Please keep all fire exits clear. There are two fire exits:
•Front Fire Exit - Located in the downstairs studio which leads to the front of the building.
•Back Fire Exit - Located next to reception which leads to the back of the car park.
On discovering a suspected fire staff will:
• Raise the alarm by using the nearest alarm call point.
• Shout 'Fire, fire, fire!'.
•Evacuate their responsible class immediately using the nearest available fire exit. Class assistant/reception will lead students out firstly including anyone with a personal emergency evacuation plan. Staff will follow behind once checked all areas are clear including studios/ toilets/changing areas/reception. Take nothing with you.
•Reception staff will lead out any children who are not in class at the time.
•Last member of staff out of the studios will close the studio fire doors.
•Staff may attempt to put out fire with fire extinguisher only if safe to do so.
•Report to the fire assembly point for registration.
•Ring the fire brigade 999
•Report any unaccounted students or adults to the fire services. Nobody will be permitted to return to the building until the all clear is given by the fire brigade.
On hearing the fire alarm students/guardians/visitors will:
• Follow the instructions of the staff.
• Evacuate the building via the safest route to the nearest fire
exit. Take nothing with you.
• Children in classes will be evacuated by their class teacher.
• Parents should not collect their children from the fire assembly point until instructed to do so by a member of staff or the fire services.
• No one should re-enter the building or leave the fire assembly points, until instructed by a member of staff or the fire brigade that it is safe to do so.
•Report to a member of staff if there is a problem.
Please note the following clause for the protection of the staff and others in the building:
"In the event of people not responding to the need to evacuate"
Leave the building to ensure your own safety and report to the lead member of staff / fire services.
Only re-enter the building OR leave the assembly point when it is safe to do so and the fire services have given authorisation.
Assisted Evacuation (personal emergency evacuation plan)
Any member of staff or student who cannot leave the building unaided in the event of an emergency will need to have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan. This may include people with physical disabilities, people with injuries, someone with visual impairments or hearing difficulties or someone who is heavily pregnant. Personal Emergency Evacuation plans must be organised by the guardian by arranging a meeting with the Principal. Information on students personal emergency evacuation plans will then be added to the class register/staff profiles which will be available for all staff at the start of every class. Eligible staff/visitors or Guardians must report to the principal on enrolment should you require a personal emergency evacuation plan.